How Programmatic Combines Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to Marketers’ Advantage

By Team VE Aug 21, 2020

Thanks to programmatic advertising, marketers today have developed a new approach towards marketing. They are able to combine artificial intelligence and big data to bid on advertising inventory source in real time, thereby greatly increasing their chances of displaying specific ads to their prospects.

Choosing programmatic advertising lets marketers target their audiences while taking into account an array of factors such as age, gender, income level, and education among others. This results in a significant growth in the efficacy of marketing.

Digital marketers who use programmatic advertising are able to use a sophisticated system to meet their objectives. Publishers too are able to get optimal advantages.

Programmatic Algorithms Make Optimum Use of Colossal Data

The data marketers can access can be extensive and complex. If done manually, analyzing this colossal amount of data and digging out the right ad slots will be an almost impossible task. However, programmatic algorithms can get you through. You feed in the right information in the system and it takes care of the rest. Information segregated in various data chunks is analyzed extensively, thereby facilitating buying/selling of slots in real time. This makes marketing dollars much more effective.

Automation of Ad Buying and Placement

Programmatic technologies lead to automation of the buying and placement of advertisements. Deploying programmatic technologies for your campaign facilitates optimum content distribution across different media that would include desktops, mobiles, social media, television, print, out-of-home (OOH), and radio. All stakeholders stand to benefit, regardless of the platform used.

Real Time Campaign Optimization

Programmatic algorithms can analyze huge volumes of data to help you with real time campaign optimization, thus facilitating real time bidding. When an ad impression is to be displayed on a web browser, the system would pass on the information about it to an ad exchange that would market the slot off to anyone who bids the highest. This complicated process is completed in milliseconds. Moreover, the system does not require human intervention. It would work on its own, determining how much to bid, the sites it would appear on and more.

Opting for programmatic advertising is an effective way for advertisers to boost their efficiency. Prior to the arrival of programmatic advertising, human executives handled buying and selling of digital ads. The whole process was complex and unreliable. Programmatic has made the system more efficient.

Programmatic Data

Have you ever thought where programmatic data comes from? Websites and apps use identifiers to track visitor behavior. This is how marketers learn about keywords searched, types of content consumed, and more. Third party data would also come from other sources such as data aggregators. Marketers have own data as well such as customer emails, most recent purchasers, average order value etc.

Programmatic allows marketers to target audiences using a mix of data sources in real time. If an identifier fulfills a marketer’s targeting criteria, the system would automatically bid on the impression.

Wrapping Up

As campaigns accumulate performance data, the system becomes mature. It learns about the types of attributes – time of day, location, and other dimensions – that perform better. Efficiency follows.

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